Integration means ...

... making more of it.

You can almost always get more out of your own data - if the systems talk to each other. So let's ensure better integration!

Teams that are diverse perform best. Mixtures of generalists and experts in different fields usually deliver the best results. Why should software be any different?

A best-of-breed software suite for hotels can include property management systems, channel managers, IBEs, revenue management systems, kiosk systems, and more.

Now all these systems just need to "talk to each other." Because in the end, the whole shebang is only as good as its interaction.

At HQ revenue, we don't imagine that we can provide a solution for all hospitality challenges. That would be foolish. HQ revenue plays its strengths best in a team with the specialists for all areas of expertise and is optimally integrated:


Quite good on its own. But together: HUGE.

So: We absolutely have to do something together! Seriously!


Integrating Market Intelligence

The HQ revenue API provides a variety of secure and reliable data endpoints. All data sets present a consistent representation of the compiled information available in an HQ revenue account. The integration is pretty much easy.

"channelId": 9,
"hotelId": 1585,
"price": 559.06,
"arrivalDate": "2023-06-16",
"updatedAt": "2022-07-22T10:04:58.114Z",
"rateName": "Doppelzimmer - Kostenlose Stornierung",
"los": 1,
"roomType": "Doppelzimmer",
"currency": "USD",
"isSoldout": false,
"isCancelable": true,
"mealPlan": "RoomOnly",
"occupancy": 2

// Response for Room Rate
"demand": 69.89,
"targetDate": "2022-12-09",
"createdAt": "2022-07-22T10:04:58.114Z"

// Response with demand for target account
"id": 620456,
"eventName": "ITB Berlin 2021",
"description": "As the Leading Travel Trade Show, ITB Berlin is the foremost business platform…",
"locationId": 44816,
"locationName": "Messe Berlin",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2021-03-10",
"endDate": "2021-03-14",
"createdAt": "2020-04-01T08:00:00.000Z",
"isFavorite": true,
"isAccountEvent": false,
"latitude": 52.50127410888672,
"longitude": 13.274552345275879

// Response w/ Event Info
"start-target-date": "2022-10-07",
"end-target-date": "2022-10-07",
"title": "The title for the holiday",
"description": "A very descriptive string for that holiday.",
"country-id": "AU",
"holiday-type": "PUBLIC",
"valid-subdivision-ids": "[101, 102, 105]",

// Response for one holiday
"targetDate": "2022-08-07",
"revenueDefinitive": 0,
"revenueTentative": 0,
"revPAR": 94.25,
"adr": 106.46000000000001,
"percentageDefinitive": 89.91,
"percentageTentative": 0,
"unitsForSale": 245,
"unitsDefinitive": 202,
"unitsTentative": 0,
"updatedAt": "2022-07-18T10:08:58.114Z"

// Response w/ add. PMS Information
"channelId": 22,
"hotelId": 1053,
"minRatingScore": 0,
"maxRatingScore": 10,
"numberOfRatings": 5208,
"reviewScore": 9.9

// Response w/ individual channel review
"condition": "CLOUDY",
"fahrenheit": 35,
"celsius": 2,
"targetDate": "2022-08-12"

// Response w/ weather info for target account

The benefits of market intelligence?

Enrich data points for RMS, show the best direct booking rate in the chatbot, or drive direct sales with event information on your website - HQ revenue's API can help you create the best features possible.

More ...

From the blog

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